
(W)E-democracy will be organized in 3 Activities and 13 Work Packages.


WP1 – Problem Mapping– Citizens are going to identify problems related to circular economy that they encounter in their daily life through an online survey.

The purpose of the survey will be:

  • to uncover ways to engage citizens  in the CE by assessing the current citizens’ knowledge and behaviours with regards to the CE, the factors that could increase their engagement in the CE (incentives, drivers, etc) and the barriers preventing this engagement.
  • to provide policy-relevant insights in the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy in the European Union.

To complete the survey in each partner’s languages click here:

WP2 – WP6 – Problem Solving – Each partner is going to organize 1 public event for citizens to debate and propose solutions to the “circular economy” problems mapped.


WP7- Ideas Selection & Policy Formulation & Recommendations – Citizens will evaluate the solutions proposed in the Problem Solving Phase in order to highlight the most popular ideas and priorities for European policy-makers during online meetings. During these events, citizens will formulate policy proposals and recommendations on circular economy with experts in the field.


(W)E-democracy will include the development and implementation of a Digital Dashboard for social listening in order to gather online opinions on the issue of Circular Economy (WP8).

Social listening allows to watch people’s feedback, questions, conversations or comments in order to discover opportunities or curate interesting content for those audiences. It’s a combination of paying attention and knowing the best way to respond and act.

We are not going to “monitor” we are going to “listen”.

Monitoring takes a scrape and dump approach, which can be helpful for collecting any and every mention. Listening takes a reflect-and-analyze approach, helping to notice patterns and insights, things like sentiment and channels.


(W)E-democracy will organise 5 national events (WP9 – WP13) aimed at raising public awareness about the crowdsourcing activities and the resulting policy recommendations.

These events will be a result of Activity 1 and Activity 2, so will be aimed at all citizens that somehow have been involved in the project but also to all the citizens interested in crowdsourcing, e-democracy and circular economy topics.

These events aim at:

  • encouraging citizens to speak up on issues directly affecting them,
  • increasing citizens democratic participation in political life, reflecting on crowdsourcing and other e-participation experiences at national level by presenting case studies / lessons learned relevant for the EU decision-making process;
  • stimulating citizens engagement with the EU,
  • improving citizens understanding of EU policy-making processes,
  • discussing technological, societal, cultural, political challenges for citizens, organizers and decision-makers also in order to contribute to close the digital and gender gaps.
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